Video and Writing Interviews

Burlington VTest offers video and written Interview add-ons, which can be administered alongside any VTest assessment.  

Enhance your processes by pairing VTest assessments with tailor-made interview add-ons.

Personal Demonstrations of English Ability, When It Suits You.

 A powerful tool for informed admissions and recruitment decision-making.

Create your own criteria including questions, form, duration, and instructions.

Access your candidates' interviews through the VTest results platform.

Include an extra layer of security, with a video component.

Streamline your existing process using the VTest assessment platform.

Create & Deliver Your Own Exams

Using the VTest Open Exam platform

Use our Open Exam Platform to create, administer and score your own exams

Create new exams including your questions, scoring and certificates

Deliver your exams using our online or on-site proctoring solution

Add video and writing interview to your own exams